Friday, January 13, 2012

This is a test

Receiving has never been my strong suit. I feel much more comfortable giving. So, based on a recent Happy Tuesday post, Deborah  planned an afternoon and evening of surprises for me.

She had me meet her on the steps at Lincoln Center. She started by saying, "This is a test" and handed me a beautiful book of quotes from an amazing letterpress store in NYC. She had tagged one of the quotes that read:

"You only live once But if you work it right, once is enough." -Fred Allen

She then handed me an awesome card with Miss Piggy on the front and a quote on the inside:

"when you truly give up trying to be whole through others you end up receiving what you always wanted from others "Shakti Gawain * via the amazing Happy Tuesdays blog."
(She reads it! Woop woop! She also uses it against me!).

I kept wanting to take pictures, but she insisted I take mental pictures only. She then whisked me away to the MAC store for a make over and an amazing generous treat.

She makes me happy.
She makes my life better.
God, I love that woman.

Thank goodness for that serendipitous moment in NYC that brought us together. She got me my dream job. She allows me to do what I love doing. She supports me through all of it. There is no one like her and I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Since no snapshots were allowed, my mental pictures include:

Misty eyed on the steps of Lincoln Center on a warm winter night. Totally confused and excited.

Crying and nearly ruining the make-up that had just expertly been put on me at MAC, because I was so darn touched by her extreme generosity.

Margs and Guac before dancing the night away...well, maybe Deb dancing the night away.

My neighbor asking me that night: Did you do something different today? You're just glowing. You're sparkling. Is it your hair? Me: Smiling inside, trying to remember my test of life given to me by Deb and just saying, "thank you".

Some things I learned:
Receiving is REALLY hard.
After 10 years, it's time to update yourself, yo.
Sometimes there's more to the T-Zone than you think.
I need to take dance lessons from Deborah Lohse.

There is an awesome new MAC campaign with Miss Piggy.
(I may, or may not, have decided to treat myself to a mani pedi and get the new Muppet Colors, courtesy of OPI before my trip to CA after all this lovely pampering).

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