Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grateful Grazies--Agriged

Deborah Lohse is one of my favorite people in the universe. We danced together many moons ago when we were kids at our local studio in CA. We were 'award winning' choreographers at the time, although Deb is the only one that has maintained that title.  She is vivacious, warm and welcoming. For me, she's this beautiful bottle of champagne that pops every time I see her and her excitement bursts out and fills up a room. We reconnected in New York when she saw my feet in a ballet class--my feet! I remember turning around to do the second side of barre and there she was sitting criss cross apple sauce on the floor. Ever since then we have seen our friendship blossom and have been there to support each other through the rough patches, as well as celebrate the little successes in each day and the life changing moments in our lives. She gave me the opportunity to perform again and my soul was recharged just when I needed it most. She is an amazing performer that captivates everyone that has the pleasure to watch her. She is unafraid in her new adventure in film. She is such a source of comfort, care and support in my life and I love her. She knows just when to call me out and tell me I'm full of shit. She knows how to greet me with a hug that takes in my entire being. She can sit on a rock and say nothing at all and I can feel her care and love. She makes me laugh hysterically, holds me when I cry and can rock a fan at a dance party like no one else. Man, I think my boyfriend has some stiff competition. No need to worry though, he sent his love via Deb this week...

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