Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fave 20

Thanks to the good 'ol Facebook, some of my darlings recommended some children's books for me. Thanks to the genius of my amazing mom, I spent the best 20 minutes of my day with my nephew. She had this great idea that I could read bedtime stories to little Huddy when he was at their house! Genius! We had an agreed upon time and we tried to FaceTime so I could read to him after his bath. Now, it's not as easy as those commercials make it seem. But after 15 attempts, I somewhat read Huddy Goodnight Moon, watched him play ball, and had tears streaming down my face the whole time. I'll have a date with you any time Hudson. My boyfriend won't even mind! Gosh darn it, why does CA have to be so far away from NYC!? Tell me the best 20 minutes of your day!

I miss my family. Sniffle. 

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